Our Next Open Morning: Thursday 07 November (0900 -1200) 

On Open Mornings we welcome all those who would like to see both the school and nursery. Visitors will be able to tour the school and, on weekday open mornings, lessons and activities will be in full swing. We run to our usual timetable so you will find us just as we are!

There will be an opportunity to see the school’s extensive facilities and hear about a Craigclowan education at first hand. 

We very much look forward to showing you all that Craigclowan has to offer to your family.  You can register in advance by calling 01738 230 555 or emailing [email protected], or you can simply come along on the day.

We look forward to hearing from you and to welcoming you to Craigclowan very soon.

Every Day is an Open Day!

Visitors are very welcome to come and see the school outwith open mornings - every day is an open day! To arrange an appointment, please contact Jennifer Trueland, our Registrar on 01738 230 555 or by email at [email protected].