Entry to Craigclowan is dependent on the capability of the pupil to benefit from the broad educational aims of the school and its objective to promote education generally.

Prospective pupils are invited to visit the School with their parents, so that they can view the facilities and meet the Head and other relevant staff. The individual qualities of the prospective pupil and suitability for life at Craigclowan will be the prime considerations in offering a place. In order to assess this, prospective pupils visit the school for a taster day.

A report from the child’s current school is requested for those entering the Main School. Entry may be made at any point providing space is available and if the Head decides it necessary an assessment of academic ability may be required. In the case of a year group being full or over-subscribed, a place on the waiting list may be offered.

There is no discrimination at entry on grounds of race, religion, disability, socio-economic background or gender and no preference is given to a particular parental occupation.

Children entering the Nursery must have reached their third birthday.  A copy of the child's birth certificate will be requested as part of the admissions process. Depending on their age at the time of admission, we encourage the children to toilet independently.

Children moving from the Nursery to the Main School will have priority in the allocation of places in Form 1 and a copy of the child's passport will be requested as part of the entry procedure to Main School.  The School endeavours to make places available to siblings, subject to space being available in the relevant year group. Pupils should normally be the correct age for the year group, based on 1st September cut off with a pupil expecting to attain the age of thirteen in his/her last prep. school year, equivalent to S1 although there is flexibility depending on the child’s ability.

An Entrance Form should be completed and returned to the School and the Head will offer a place if the pupil is deemed suitable. Prior to an offer being made parents or guardians must declare any specific learning support need, medical condition or disability. Applications and offers of places may be made at any time of year.

The School’s policy is to apply the same criteria to all current and potential pupils regardless of any disability of which it is aware. We make reasonable adjustments so as not to put any disabled pupil or potential pupil at a substantial disadvantage compared to any pupil who is not disadvantaged.

In the case of a child not being offered a place at the School, parents will be advised as to the reasons and are welcome to contact the Head to discuss the situation.

Children in Forms 1-5 follow our own curriculum, based around the Curriculum for Excellence, until entering the equivalent of P6 when the syllabus required for Common Entrance Examinations set by the ISEB becomes the guide. Pupils follow courses in English, Mathematics, Science, French, History, Geography, Religious Studies, PSE, Latin or General Studies, Art, CDT, ICT, PE, Drama, Music and Games.

Next Steps

We would be delighted to show you what a Craigclowan education has to offer to your family.  To take the next step, please complete our enquiry form to request a prospectus, arrange to come and visit or to arrange a taster day for your child. We look forward to meeting you!

Where next?